Le coup d’envoi de la 10 ème édition du tour cycliste « Danube Ultra » , qui s’est imposé comme événement sportif et touristique majeur en Bulgarie, sera donné mardi 5 septembre dans la ville riveraine Vidin dans le Nord-Ouest du pays. Les..
Pour la 4e année, Vidin accueille les 2 et 3 septembre, le Festival international de folklore "Danube bleu". Sa mission consiste à sauvegarder et promouvoir le folklore, les us et coutumes et les traditions bulgares. Un grand nombre de chanteurs se..
Qyteti Vidin për të katërtin vit radhazi është nikoqir i Festivalit Folklorik Ndërkombëtar “Danubi i Kaltër”. Aktiviteti në Parkun e Danubit në qytet do të vazhdojë deri të dielën – 3 shtator. Misioni i madh i festivalit është ruajtja,..
Por cuarto año consecutivo, Vidin acoge el Festival Internacional de Folclore "El Danubio Azul". El evento, que se celebra en el Parque del Danubio de la ciudad, durará hasta el domingo 3 de septiembre. La gran misión del festival es..
The town of Vidin (Northwestern Bulgaria) hosts the Blue Danube International Folklore Festival for the fourth consecutive year. The event takes place in the Danube Park and continues until Sunday, September 3. The festival‘s mission is to..
The start of the 10 th jubilee edition of the Dunav Ultra cycling route, a leading sporting and tourist event in Bulgaria, will be given on 5 September from the town of Vidin on the Danube. The initiative will be joined by more than 150 cyclists..
People from the towns along the River Danube have grown accustomed to seeing the participants in one of the world’s oldest rowing tourist tours - Tour International Danubien - in summer. The international tourist regatta along the Danube has..
La Vidin, participanții la regata turistică internațională Tour International Danubien (TID) au fost întâmpinați în mod solemn. Peste 130 de iubitori de aventuri din Germania, Franța, Elveția, Marea Britanie, Marea Britanie, Serbia, Canada și Bulgaria au..
Vidin'de TİD 2023 (Tour International Danubien) Uluslararası Turist tekne yarışı katılımcıları törenle karşılandı. Almanya, Fransa, İsviçre, İngiltere, Sırbistan, Kanada ve Bulgaristan'dan 130'un üzerinde tekne yarışı tutkunu "Baba Vida" Kalesi..
In Vidin, the participants of the international tourist regatta Tour International Danubien (TID) have been solemnly welcomed. More than 130 lovers of adventures from Germany, France, Switzerland, Great Britain, Serbia, Canada and..