So where do we go from here? Political scientists and analysts reflect on this question after the Parliamentary elections in Bulgaria held on April 4. According to all preliminary forecasts, this year’s general elections were going to be unusual..
The political party of Bulgarian TV personality and host Slavi Trifonov, “There Is Such a People” (Ima takav narod ITN) has convincingly won the majority of votes of Bulgarian citizens who voted abroad. According to the data on the website of..
6 political parties are sure to enter the new Bulgarian parliament, according to the parallel vote tabulation of Gallup International with 100% of the Gallup representative sample. The GERB-SDS coalition won the parliamentary elections with..
Radio Bulgaria conducted a vox pop with Bulgarians voting abroad, and asked them what kind of Bulgaria they expect to see after the elections for parliament on 4 April. Filli Ladgman has lived in Melbourne, Australia for..
Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boyko Borissov called for consolidation and stability in his first comment on the results of the parliamentary elections late last night. In a statement in his Facebook account, Borissov demanded the creation of a government..
With a total of just over 11,000 polling stations in the country, 9,390 provide the choice of machine voting. The ballot on the screen is on three pages. There are also three voting cards in each station that activate the process...
According to law, the Department Civil Registration and Administrative Services at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works will check all voters in the country and abroad to determine whether there are people present on..
Today Bulgaria elects its 45th National Assembly. This is the eleventh parliamentary election after the beginning of the democratic changes in the country in 1989. The first democratic vote in Bulgaria’s recent history was for Grand National..
Saturday is the day of silence before the elections in Bulgaria. Political campaigning is absolutely forbidden 24 hours before election day and on election day itself. In addition to forbidden political campaigning, the law does not..
6 to 7 parties can cross the 4% threshold but no political force will be close to a parliamentary majority. This is indicated by a survey of the sociological agency "Alpha Research", conducted with its own funds, in the run-up to the parliamentary..