Eмисия новини
от 15.00 часа

Des reliques de Guéorgui Benkovski exposées au Musée "Etara"...

Le fusil de Guéorgui Benkovski et le Manifeste de la proclamation de l' Insurrection d'avril 1876 seront exposés du 1er au 5 mars au Musée en plein air "Etara" près de Gabrovo. Un hommage au combat du grand révolutionnaire bulgare et un des..

02.03.24 09:00 |

Exhibition sheds light on the life of the revolutionary Georgi Benkovski

An exhibition of priceless artefacts from Bulgaria's history will be on show at the Etar open-air ethnographic museum near Gabrovo from March 1 to 5 . Visitors will find the exposition in the largest building of the ethnographic complex, which is..

29.02.24 19:08 |
Prof. Nikollaj Nenov

Qyteti Ruse dëshiron të shpallet një qytet krijues i UNESCO-së

Qyteti danubian bullgar Ruse do të aplikojë deri në vitin 2025 për t'u bërë një qytet kreativ i kuzhinës i UNESCO-së, tha për BTA drejtori i Muzeut Historik të qytetit, Prof. Nikollaj Nenov . Sipas tij, Ruse ka nevojë për një perspektivë që do të..

02.02.24 12:12 |

A Gabrovo, le Jour de l'An est célébré le 30 décembre...

Les habitants de la ville de Gabrovo ont pour tradition de fêter le dernier jour de l'année non pas le 31, mais le 30 décembre. Ainsi, ce soir, à partir de 19H00 sur la place "Renaissance", ils seront nombreux à célébrer l'avènement de la nouvelle année..

30.12.23 12:25 |
Only in Gabrovo-people sending off the old year on 30 December

Only in Gabrovo: Seeing 2023 off on 30 December

Gabrovo is the only place in Bulgaria, where people send off the old year on the 30 th of December instead of the 31 st . At 7 PM tonight, in Gabrovo’s Vazrazhdane square, people will get together to send the old year off as a dear guest,..

30.12.23 08:35 |

Vetëm në Gabrovo e dërgojnë vitin e vjetër 2023 më 30 dhjetor!

Qytetarët e Gabrovos (Bullgaria Qendrore) janë të vetmit në Bullgari që tradicionalisht dërgojnë vitin e vjetër jo më 31, por më 30 dhjetor. Sonte në orën 19:00 në sheshin “Vëzrazhdane” të qytetit, njerëzit do të mblidhen për të dërguar vitin e..

30.12.23 06:10 |

Countdown to carnival in Gabrovo begins today

As is the tradition, on the 11 th day of the 11 th month, the countdown begins to next year’s carnival in Gabrovo .   People in Gabrovo say that in their town they have a 5 th season of the year, in which to get ready for the festival...

11.11.23 16:48 |

¡Atención, oso! Aumentan los encuentros de la fiera con la población local

El oso necesita la tranquilidad de los bosques salvajes. En este sentido, el Parque Nacional de los Balcanes Centrales y sus alrededores ofrecen condiciones excelentes para esta especie. Sin embargo, en los últimos tiempos, son cada vez más frecuentes..

26.08.23 09:10 |

Una orquesta de Taraclia visita Bulgaria con motivo del 146 aniversario de la Epopeya de Shipka

La orquesta de viento Vazrazhdane, adjunta a la Casa de cultura en Taraclia participará en las celebraciones en la ciudad de Gabrovo con motivo del 146 aniversario de la Epopeya de Shipka, ha informado BTA. María Basheva-Venkova, gobernadora de..

17.08.23 05:50 |

Orchestra from Taraclia to take part in the celebrations dedicated to the 146th anniversary of the Shipka Epopee

  “Vazrazhdane” Brass Band of the Regional House of Culture in Taraclia will take part in the celebrations in Gabrovo dedicated to the 146th anniversary of the Shipka Epopee, BTA reported. The brass orchestra was invited on a three day visit by the..

17.08.23 05:05 |
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