Bulgaria's Labour Inspectorate has received numerous signals from workers who are under pressure from their employers to get vaccinated. On this occasion, the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Galab Donev stressed in an interview with BNR that people..
Employers' organizations have sent a letter to the Interior Ministry, the State Agency for National Security, the General Directorate for Combating Organized Crime, the Prosecutor General, the Specialized Prosecutor's Office and the Sofia City..
The National Council for Tripartite Cooperation discussed future changes to the state budget for 2021. The caretaker cabinet is proposing a 12.5% increase in pensions as of 1 October. “The raise is not going to jeopardize the country’s finances..
The shortage of staff will lead to a massive raise in wages in the second half of 2021. Almost half of employers plan to raise wages by up to 20 percent, with the highest growth expected in the regions of Sofia, Burgas, Varna and Plovdiv, according..
The state of emergency which was introduced in the spring of 2020 forced over half of employers ( 55% ) to start applying teleworking in their companies , whereas only 28% had previously used it as a way of organizing work . 17% of employers..
On the last working day of last week, the Bulgarian cabinet which has already filed its resignation submitted to the National Assembly a draft plan for the recovery of Bulgaria. The topic became a reason for endless controversies among the newly..
The Bulgarian government has extended until the end of May the employment measures known as "60/40" and "80/20" in support of employers in the sectors affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The "Keep me" measure to compensate employees from closed..
The Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria (BICA) has presented a National Map of undeclared employment prepared by it. It is the undeclared employment that is the most common gray practice that is found on the labour market in Bulgaria...
The Association of Bulgarian Employers' Organizations has initiated a series of meetings with representatives of the political parties and coalitions that the sociological agencies say will enter the 45th National Assembly. Today, at a meeting with the..
Bulgaria's accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Schengen area and the Eurozone is a priority of the Association of Bulgarian Employers' Organizations for 2021. At a general press conference, the..