In June 2020, during the ongoing epidemic situation in Bulgaria, Bulgarians travelled 286,100 times to other countries, which is a reduction of 60.1% compared to June 2019. The number of visits by foreigners to Bulgaria in June 2020 shrank..
“I have said from the first day that I would work to support businesses, in dialogue and in search of concrete solutions,” said newly appointed Minister of Tourism Mariyana Nikolova in an interview for BNT. She stated that 38,000..
The European Commission has approved targeted subsidies for charter flights to Bulgaria organized by tour operators. This has been announced by the Ministry of Tourism. The approval of the scheme by the EC was a prerequisite for the..
The number of foreign tourists coming to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast this summer will plummet by more than 80%, Sega newspaper writes, basing its estimates on the dramatic drop in the number of charter flights from Europe landing in Varna..
180 tourists have landed at Burgas airport with the first charter flight from Ukraine. The guests were welcomed with traditional pita bread and folklore songs to the rendition of Strandzha Folklore Ensemble. The Ambassador of Ukraine to Bulgaria..
The EU should adopt common rules on containing the coronavirus infection. However, we should not allow yet another closure of borders within the Union again. We already lived through this. As a result, thousands of people were stranded and supplies..
The Covid-19 pandemic has proved devastating for many sectors of Bulgaria’s economy, including summer tourism. We are so used to saying that the months of July and August are “high season”, but no longer. Owing to the corona crisis we are now..
Jet2 airline announced the list of holiday destinations it will fly to from July 15. The airline will not fly to Bulgaria, Montenegro and Portugal due to ongoing quarantine rules. Jet2 has been operating in Bulgaria since the summer of 2019. The..
This year’s tourist season will be extremely difficult, but at least there will be such, Bulgaria’s Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova told the Bulgarian National Television. The tourism sector has been recovering along the Black Sea coast, yet in..
We are already receiving guests from 35 countries, but the revival of the tourism sector is gradual, said Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova during a parliamentary control session. Bulgaria was one of the first countries to reopen its borders to..