Minister of Culture Velislav Minekov was summoned to the National Assembly to answer questions regarding the eviction of the Trud newspaper staff from premises owned by the Ministry of Culture. Editorial office of Bulgarian newspaper declares..
Today’s first plenary session of the new 47 th National Assembly will begin with the hearing of caretaker Minister of Culture Velislav Minekov on the case of Trud newspaper. The editorial office of the newspaper was sealed by the Ministry of..
The price of arable land, and the rent from it, has dropped for the first time after 8 straight years of increase, National Statistical Institute data show. In 2020, owing to the pandemic the average price of one hectare of arable land in..
91.6% of the Bulgarian households lived in their own dwelling in 2019. Only 5.4% lived in dwelling free of rent and 3% of the households rented homes. 9.7% of the households possess a second home, the national statistics shows. 73% of the rural..
Транспортният сектор е една от основните области на трансгранични потребителски жалби, отправени от европейските потребители. По специално проблемите при услуги, свързани с наемане на автомобил, са на едно от първите места. Ето защо Европейската комисия..