For the first time, Amir visited Bulgaria at the age of 4, and today, 14 years later, he is a freshman at the Faculty of Economics at Sofia University "Saint Kliment Ohridski". Why did the young man from Azerbaijan, who graduated with honours from..
We usually talk about northwestern Bulgaria as the poorest region, not just in this country, but also in the whole of EU. However, it turns out that in the most important sphere for the progress of a society, events are taking place that in the long..
This year, interest in acquiring higher education abroad has grown by 21% compared to 2021, according to data from the World Education project, BNT reported. "Interest in studying abroad is definitely returning after the pandemic, as there are no..
In total, investments in Bulgaria for science and innovation are 0.7% of GDP, while in the EU the average level is 2.2% of a country's GDP. This was announced by the caretaker Minister of Education and Science, Sasho Penov, during the presentation in..
STEM centres will be established in many schools across the country, the caretaker deputy prime minister for EU funds management Atanas Pekanov has announced. The idea of STEM education is hands-on learning focused on science,..
At 11 am today, a meeting of representatives of Bulgarian universities accepting students under Ministerial decree No 103 on educational activities among Bulgarians abroad will be held at the Executive Agency for Bulgarians Abroad. Experts from the..
123 schools in different municipalities in Bulgaria will receive over 1,500 laptops before the start of the new school year, the Ministry of Education announced. The laptops are provided under the national program "Information and communication..
The Tuk-Tam career hive forum will once again attract Bulgarians who wish to use the education and skills they acquired abroad back in their home country. The event will be held on September 16 in Inter Expo Center in Sofia. Representatives of..
The poor results of the national external assessment have focused public attention on one major problem - the quality of Bulgarian education. They have raised a number of questions: what knowledge and skills do graduates have; are they able to meet the..
The demographic crisis in Bulgaria has been sparking public discussions for a long time. And although each government steps in with promises to counter this alarming trend, the results are rather alarming and cause a feeling of helplessness. Georgi..