Vouchers for food or clothes, fitness passes or team buildings... In Bulgaria, most social benefits for employees are material. The "extras" are more than welcome in conditions of inflation and price growth. But what about culture in..
A Single Registry for Academic Recognition of Higher Education Abroad is proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science . The draft amendment to the regulation has been published for discussion on the ministry's website. Currently the..
The largest educational forum in Southeast Europe, "World Education", brought together 45 educational institutions from 13 countries and more than 1,000 young people in Sofia . Leading universities from the Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany, France..
In the educational center of the "Dobro" foundation in the village of Sveti Vlas on the Black Sea coast, over a thousand Ukrainian children aged 3 to 18 receive not only psychological support, but also successfully integrate , study, play sports and..
The percentage of foreign students attending higher education in Bulgaria has doubled in 2022 - from 4 to 8%, compared to 2013 . This is shown by the data of the National Map of Higher Education in Bulgaria. Bulgaria ranks among the first..
Bulgaria is among the European countries that offer affordable education to international students, shows a survey by Erudera, the world’s first education search platform backed by artificial intelligence. Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia,..
Only 15% of teachers in Bulgaria are under the age of 35 , and 70 percent of them leave the educational system in the very first year of working there, the trade union "Education" reported to Podkrepa Confederation of Trade Unions. Another alarming..
Security is more important to Bulgarians than freedom and democracy, indicates a survey by Research Center Trend. The survey was conducted in October 2022 and was commissioned by INTERIMAGE PR & Corporate Communications Agency and Interpartners..
Textbooks will be free for all students from 1st to 12th grade , MPs unanimously decided today, while voting on amendments to the Preschool and School Education Act. Currently, this measure applies only to children up to the seventh grade...
Bulgarian students are seriously lagging behind their European peers, a new study warns. Just 5 2 % of young people aged 16-19 in this country have the basic digital skills , according to the EC's Education and Training..