“In a place where there is no humanity: be human” goes a saying connected with the Jewish community and culture. There are no accurate data as to the number of Jews in Bulgaria, but according to the organization of Jews in Bulgaria Shalom, the Jewish..
This school year, in addition to renovated classrooms and corridors, schools also welcome their pupils with an innovation that would ease their preparation for class – the digital backpack. It is a free online platform that allows..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Education has come out with proposal that Bulgarian should be studied as a foreign language by non-native children. This was announced by Yanka Takeva, chairman of the Bulgarian Teachers' Union, to BNR Varna. Takeva defined the..
Limiting yourself to one textbook per subject is not a good approach, teachers should have more autonomy to choose from which of them to teach, according to Education Minister Galin Tsokov. "Textbooks at some point may even be optional due to the..
Bulgaria and Armenia will continue their cooperation in the field of education and science. The exchange of students, scientists and teachers will be encouraged under a program between the two countries approved this week by the Bulgarian government...
Bulgarian students, along with those from Croatia and Poland, spend the least time in classrooms in the EU , according to a report by the European education network Eureka. The study refutes claims in this country that pupils are overworked, prompting..
With festive events throughout the country and in the Bulgarian spiritual space abroad, Bulgarians celebrate today the Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, a celebration of the Bulgarian alphabet, enlightenment, culture and Slavic literature...
Bulgaria's population decreases by more than 50,000 people per year, which is equivalent to the population of a district city, sociologist Yuri Aslanov said at a forum on the demographic crisis. According to a survey conducted by AFIS sociological..
Bulgarian students are seriously lagging behind their European peers, it became clear from a European study at the end of last year. Nearly 50% of young people in Bulgaria aged 16-19 do not have the basic skills to cope in a digital environment,..
Situation Center "Open Doors", which has been providing support to Ukrainians living in Bulgaria since the beginning of the war in 2022, continues to develop one of its main missions – providing Bulgarian language training for..