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от 18.00 часа

Des soirées d’été romantiques à Sofia avec le festival "A to JazZ"

Ce 4 juillet s’ouvre à Sofia un des événements culturels estivaux les plus attendus : la   13ème édition du Festival "A to Jazz" promet de transformer le Parc Sud II en scène artistique partagée et écologique avec une sélection musicale..

04.07.24 14:00 |

Belgian pianist Daniel Verstappen and Bulgarian singer Nina Nikolina in "Rayna"

Bulgarian folklore has long fascinated musicians from all over the world with its uniqueness and infinite possibilities. The collaboration between Daniel Verstappen and Nina Nikolina is another example of this.  At his two upcoming concerts in..

24.05.24 06:35 |

La pianista Dilyana Hristova, merecidamente enamorada de la vida

Una taza de café, frambuesas y chocolate, combinados con una vista que corta el aliento. La pianista Dilyana Hristova lleva años buscando lugares similares tanto en Bulgaria como en el extranjero donde se siente en paz consigo misma y puede reflexionar..

14.04.24 13:15 |

Pianist Dilyana Hristova - always in love with life

A cup of black coffee, a bowl of raspberries and chocolate, combined with a view that takes your breath away. Sounds soothing and dreamy, doesn't it? For years, pianist Dilyana Hristova has been looking for and finding similar places at home and abroad..

13.04.24 08:10 |

Triomphe d'une jeune pianiste bulgare de 9 ans...

Elle n'a que 9 ans et est originaire de Montana, dans le Nord de la Bulgarie. Et pourtant, elle a remporté le concours de piano à Singapour, au côté de pianistes de Thaïlande, Hongkong, Malaisie, Grèce, Japon, Chine, Indonésie et Inde. Aux dires..

07.04.24 11:00 |
Sijana Burghard

Një vajzë e talentuar bullgare nderon vendin tonë në garat ndërkombëtare të pianos

Një vajzë 9-vjeçare bullgare nga Montana nderoi vendin tonë në një konkurs pianoje në Singapor. Ndër pjesëmarrësit e tij ishin pianistë nga Tajlanda, Hong Kongu, Malajzia, Greqia, Japonia, Kina, Indonezia dhe India. Sipas mësueses së vajzës, Nina..

07.04.24 09:15 |

Talented Bulgarian girl with great success at international piano competitions

A 9-year-old Bulgarian girl from Montana has brought glory to the country at a piano competition in Singapore. Young pianists from Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Greece, Japan, China, Indonesia and India were among the participants...

07.04.24 09:15 |

Pianist Lora Tchekoratova honoured by the Society of Foreign Consuls in New York

On the eve of March 8, the Society of Foreign Consuls in New York celebrated International Women's Day by honouring women who have contributed to the better representation of their respective communities in the life and culture of the metropolis...

07.03.24 15:15 |

Stanislav Stanchev gets popular with online videos

His music is heard all over the world, and his YouTube channel has over 108 thousand subscribers. Stanislav Stanchev is probably the most popular Bulgarian pianist online. Apart from the hackneyed phrase "work and talent" and his presentation..

29.01.24 17:19 |

Pianistul Stanislav Stanchev câștigă o mare popularitate cu videoclipuri pe Internet

Cu muzica sa ajunge în toată lumea, iar canalul său de youtube depășește 108 mii de abonați. Stanislav Stanchev este, probabil, cel mai popular pianist bulgar de pe net. Dincolo de banalul "muncă și talent", el explică interesul față de el însuși..

29.01.24 15:30 |
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