The Ministry of Education and Science has prepared guidelines for more awareness in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the educational process, BTA reported. The document is published on the website of the Ministry of Education, Culture and..
Bulgarian children study a lot of material, but they do not always acquire competencies. Learning should be interesting and engaging for young people, said PISA founder Andreas Schleicher. He is visiting Sofia at the invitation of Bulgaria’s Minister..
The team of the Reachout Foundation, whose main goal is the systematic and long-term support of refugee and migrant children and their families, has presented new educational materials that will help this group of people cope with the challenges of life..
Two of the first modern schools in Bulgaria were established by educator and writer Nayden Gerov. It is believed that his family is the oldest one in his hometown of Koprivshtitsa . He studied at a monastic school, then at a Greek school in Plovdiv and..
The achievements of the INSAIT Institute at Sofia University in the field of artificial intelligence are of interest to the business and scientific community in Japan , it was said at a meeting between Bulgaria's Minister of Education Prof. Galin Tsokov..
Fifty-four per cent of Bulgarian pupils are below the critical minimum in mathematics, 53 per cent lack basic reading skills and 48 per cent are seriously deficient in science. These are the results of the PISA 2022 survey of 15-year-olds in 80..
Minister of Education, Galin Tsokov, has announced initiatives for quality education aimed at the development of competences and skills for life and for better performance of students in the PISA tests. The Minister recalled that the results of..
In recognition of the significant long-term role in the promotion of the Bulgarian language and culture in Slovakia and the maintenance of good bilateral relations, Bulgaria's Vice President Iliana Iotova awarded the honorary plaque of the vice president..
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) will help Bulgaria reform the assessment and teaching model in its education system. This was agreed by Education and Science Minister..
The President of the Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" Prof. Krasimir Nedyalkov visited Nigeria and met with Dr. Dikko Umaru Rada, Governor of Katsina State . The host stated the interest of young people from Katsina to study in Europe and..