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Heavy pre-Christmas traffic at Sofia exits and major highways

Despite the pandemic, the pre-holiday traffic in the capital Sofia and the exits to the Trakia and Hemus highways has become intense. Traffic police call for careful driving and remind that the rules must be followed.  Traffic police teams will be..

23.12.20 19:15 |

Grandes enseignes et clients seront verbalisés en cas de non-respect des mesures barrières

Les grandes enseignes comme leurs clients seront sévèrement sanctionnés en cas de non-respect des mesures sanitaires. C'est ce qu'ont déclaré le ministre de la Santé Kostadin Anguélov et le ministre de l'Economie lors de leur rencontre avec des..

17.12.20 16:44 |

Fusillade dans un appartement à Varna…

Trois personnes ont été fusillées aujourd’hui dans un appartement au centre de la capitale maritime Varna. L’identité des victimes a été révélée – un homme de 40 ans, une femme de 23 ans, les deux – des ressortissants bulgares, ainsi qu’un homme de 41..

09.12.20 18:40 |

Police officers to go on nationwide protest

Police employees have announced yet another national protest, which will be held in front of the National Assembly building in Sofia on November 29, BNR reports. The police officers are dissatisfied with the government's proposal to raise their..

29.11.20 07:10 |

Des boîtes de nuit de Sofia ferment leur porte aux contrôles

Des établissements de nuit de Sofia ont refusé l’entrée aux inspecteurs de la santé, venus contrôler l’application des mesures sanitaires. Les clients d’un établissement à l’entrée du Jardin de Boris, quelque 200 clients ont été tenus confinés, jusqu’à..

21.11.20 15:27 |

Protestations devant le siège de VMRO

Une tension s’est créée lundi soir devant le siège de VMRO dans le cadre du 131 e jour de protestations antigouvernementales à travers tout le pays. Des citoyens mécontents des autorités au pouvoir ont protesté sous les fenêtres de VMRO qui fait partie..

17.11.20 08:56 |

Police organize protest demanding higher salaries

Police officers and firefighters are to protest in Sofia in the early afternoon of November 8 celebrated as Bulgarian Police Day. They are demanding 30% pay rise in the system of the Ministry of Interior. Their discontent was caused by a decree..

08.11.20 12:15 |

More money for medics and police in new budget

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has announced that he guarantees the state would have money no matter who ruled. In his web profile, Borissov said he had instructed Minister of Social Affairs Denitsa Sacheva and Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav..

03.11.20 19:47 |
Photo from the national protest of police officers from September 10, 2020

Police officers in Bulgaria go on nationwide protest for higher wages

A national protest of all police officers has was announced for November 8 in front of the Ministry of Interior, after the Trade Union of the Police Employees did not reach an agreement with the police administration to increase salaries , BTA reports...

02.11.20 17:20 |

Police decide whether to continue protests

A meeting takes place today between Minister of Interior Hristo Terziyski and representatives of the Trade Union Federation of the Ministry of Interior . The topic of discussions will be the request of the police for..

02.11.20 06:20 |
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