Career in the field of natural sciences, many years of research activity in the field of analytical chemistry, lecturer in organic chemistry at the South-West University in Blagoevgrad - this is part of the remarkable biography of Assoc...
On the Day of the Christian Family, we talk about family values and the family, as the lifeboat on which a person survives in the maelstrom of world events. And the day becomes even more festive when we meet people like Radina..
"Everything that is happening in our political life now, with this constant going to the polls, is like beating a dead horse. We are like those squirrels who run constantly inside the wheel, so that they can use up some excess energy. People's..
"Tot ceea ce se întâmplă acum în viața noastră politică, cu acest mers constant la alegeri, pare o revărsare din gol în gol. Suntem ca acele veverițe care aleargă în mod constant în interiorul roții pentru a-și putea cheltui excesul de energie. Acesta..
A major strike organized by trade unions blocked the whole of Belgium a day ago and the situation in neighboring Greece is similar. Thousands of people protested there demanding wage rise. In Greece, the minimum monthly salary is 713 euros, but inflation..
Sindicatele conduc un protest național pe 11 noiembrie 2022 - cer creșterea urgentă a salariului minim și protecția veniturilor prin "Bugetul 2023" O grevă generală organizată de principalele sindicate a blocat în urmă cu o zi întreaga Belgia, aceeași..
"The Kingdom of Morocco is a country that attracts people with its warm sun and beautiful nature, with the smiles and hospitality of the local population towards people from foreign countries." This is how Bulgarian Ani Radeva starts her story about the..
A phone call to Bulgaria’s National Human Trafficking Hotline costs nothing, but it can save the life and health of a person unwittingly caught up in the networks of criminal groups. This is the main message of the campaign "Do you see me?" - a joint..
Unul dintre cei mai iubiți sfinți de pe meleagurile bulgărești este Sf. Dimitrie din Salonic. În Bulgaria există multe biserici ridicate în cinstea sfântului din Salonic, care a murit ca martir în secolul al IV-lea pentru că a refuzat să-i persecute..
The household prices of heating, electricity, water and gas in Bulgaria have gone up by an average of 40%, but the rise is steepest with the prices of staple foods like sugar, meat, milk, bakery products at around 10% during the last quarter of the year..