Podcast in English

Ekrem İmamoğlu

Balkan developments

published on 6/21/24 1:06 PM

The Bulgarian policy on the Balkans during 2023

In the first part of our conversation with Professor Zdravko Popov , dedicated to Bulgaria's relations with the Balkan countries in 2023, he commented on the relations between Bulgaria and its northern neighbour Romania. He mentioned the ongoing..

published on 12/28/23 3:42 PM

The Bulgarian policy on the Balkans during 2023

Radio Bulgaria invited Sofia University professor Prof. Zdravko Popov to comment on Bulgaria's relations with neighboring Balkan countries in 2023. Prof. Popov is a diplomat, one of the founders and first head of the Diplomatic..

published on 12/21/23 4:07 PM

Political 2023 – dynamic year full of compromises

Extremely dynamic in political terms, with a sense of infinite tolerance on the part of society for the mistakes of the rulers. This is how year 2023 generally looks through the eyes of political scientists Sergey Petrov and Svetlin..

published on 12/19/23 2:07 PM

Fourth attempt by Sofia City Council to elect its president

The Sofia City Council will hold another vote to elect its president . This will be its fourth attempt, as the previous three have proved futile. Last week, We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria - Save Sofia, which has the largest group in the..

published on 12/7/23 7:10 AM

Support for all political parties and state institutions down, poll shows

The number of people willing to vote in possible parliamentary elections has fallen by 36% , according to a representative poll conducted by the Alpha Research agency between November 22 and 30.  GERB is the leading political force in the poll,..

published on 12/5/23 2:17 PM
Sergei Lavrov

Balkan developments

Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov Seeks To Attend OSCE Meeting In Skopje As the rotating chair of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), North Macedonia has a problem, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani. The..

published on 11/10/23 4:28 PM

GERB to discuss staying in coalition at National Council meeting

GERB is to hold a national council today to discuss the results of the local elections and whether to extend its support for Nikolai Denkov's government.   Party leader Boyko Borissov has instructed local structures to gather information on "what their..

published on 11/8/23 7:05 AM
Kiril Petkov

PP-DB co-leader Kiril Petkov says no leadership meeting planned for political forces in government

There are no plans yet for a leadership meeting between the "We Will Continue - Democratic Bulgaria" (PP-DB) and GERB-SDS after the local elections, PP-DB co-leader Kiril Petkov said. "The Bulgarian government will inevitably have to hold talks," Mr..

published on 11/7/23 6:08 PM

Balkan developments

Parliament in Serbia dissolved, early election called Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic has dissolved the Narodna Skupstina, the parliament of Serbia, and has called an election for parliament on 17 December, Serbian national TV RTS reports...

updated on 11/3/23 12:18 PM

Must be local, honest and well-known. These are the qualities we look for in a mayor

In the first round of local elections, only 8 of the country's regional mayors were elected. A run-off will be held on November 5 in all the remaining 19 regional cities, including the three largest - Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna.  Local government is..

published on 11/1/23 2:50 PM