Podcast in English

author: Sevda Dyukiandzhi

Grand Mufti: Bayram is a new beginning and a reminder to live in service to the community

"Bayram brings us new hope and new beginnings," said the Grand Mufti of Muslims in Bulgaria , Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, in his address to the faithful on Radio Bulgaria. He stressed the importance of today's holiday, which gives believers the opportunity..

28.06.23 13:15 |
Damián y Jorge Bucay

El búlgaro, un lector apasionado

Los búlgaros tenemos la pretensión de ser “una nación lectora”. Prueba de ello ha sido la concurrencia a la tradicional Feria Primaveral del Libro, celebrada el pasado fin de semana en Sofía como un elemento del calendario cultural del Ayuntamiento de..

13.06.14 11:10 |