Podcast in English

author: Yoan Kolev

Probiotic beverages and a space menu: Bulgarian scientists are developing food of the future

In 1979, Bulgaria became the third country in the world, after the Soviet Union and the US, to have created space food. “We had everything – fruit, vegetables, soup and all kinds of sweets. When you are up there you don’t feel you have left the Earth,..

12.04.24 13:00 |

Depuis la Suisse, la pianiste Dilyana Hristova fait connaître la musique bulgare à travers le monde

Une tasse de café, une poignée de framboises et une vue à couper le souffle… Voilà une image qui a de quoi séduire... La pianiste Dilyana Hristova recherche ces endroits de sérénité en Bulgarie et à l’étranger où elle peut se laisser emporter par ses..

11.04.24 13:00 |

Cindy Nikolofski – an Albanian with Bulgarian roots in Sofia

Bulgarians in Albania were recognized as a national minority in 2017 but we do not have official data on their number, as final data from last year's population census have not yet been published. Quite a few Albanian citizens with..

10.04.24 13:11 |

Savaş zamanında Bolgrad’da eğitim

Bulgar yurtsever devrimci ve cemiyetadamı Georgi Sava Rakovski'nin adını taşıyan Bolgrad Lisesi, yurtdışında kurulan ilk Bulgar lisesidir. Okulun  165’nci kuruluş yıldönümü, tarihçesini hatırlatma ve eğitim gören öğrencilerin günlük yaşamını anlatma..

08.04.24 07:10 |

Headmistress Snezhana Skoric about what going to school is like in Bolhrad in wartime

The Bolhrad secondary school, named after Bulgarian revolutionary and prominent public figure Georgi Sava Rakovski, is the first Bulgarian secondary school abroad. The school is marking its 165 th anniversary. Even though the year of its foundation..

03.04.24 10:48 |

Hava ve deniz yolu ile Schengen üyeliği sonrası Sofya Havaalanı’nda

31 Mart ’ta Bulgaristan ve Romanya, hava ve deniz yolu ile Schengen Bölgesine katıldı . Avrupa Birliği’nin en büyük kazanımlarından biri olan ve iç sınırlarda hudut kontrolü uygulanmayan serbest dolaşım alanına tam üyelik yolunda iki ülkenin..

01.04.24 08:15 |

At Sofia Airport after Bulgaria’s accession to Schengen by air and sea

On March 31, Bulgaria and Romania joined the Schengen area by air and sea. Austria remains the last stumbling block stopping the two countries in their pursuit of full membership in the European area of free movement without border controls at internal..

31.03.24 14:10 |

El aeropuerto de Sofía, después de la adhesión de Bulgaria a Schengen por aire y por mar

El 31 de marzo, Bulgaria y Rumanía se han incorporado al espacio Schengen por aire y por mar. Austria sigue siendo el último obstáculo que frena a ambos países en su camino hacia la plena adhesión al espacio europeo de libre circulación sin..

31.03.24 11:50 |

L’aéroport de Sofia après son entrée dans l'espace Schengen

Ce 31 mars, la Bulgarie et la Roumanie ont intègré l'espace Schengen par voie aérienne et maritime, l’Autriche restant le dernier obstacle devant l’adhésion complète des deux pays en tant que membres à part entière de l’espace de libre circulation, un..

31.03.24 11:36 |

Il y a 20 ans la Bulgarie adhérait à l'OTAN

Nous marquons ce 29 mars 20 ans de l’adhésion de la Bulgarie à l’OTAN. Si cette décision devait être à nouveau prise aujourd’hui, 56% des Bulgares la soutiendraient et 28% la rejetteraient, selon des données d’un sondage parmi des citoyens des..

29.03.24 09:00 |