En dépit de son jeune âge Vesselin Ninov a déjà derrière lui une carrière remarquable en tant que soliste et interprète de musique de chambre aux Etats-Unis. Concerter de l’autre côté de l’Océan, voilà ce qu’était son rêve intime depuis..
Pour la 5 e année consécutive, L’Association pour le développement des arts et des métiers (ARIZ-7) rend hommage aux créateurs qui ont marqué la culture contemporaine bulgare et qui œuvrent pour la vitalité de nos traditions. Ce sont des hommes et des..
For more than twenty years conductor Michael Deltchev has been living and working in Denmark with different music groups. He holds regular rehearsals with a 50-strong oratorical choir, a folk choir and with Collegium Vocale, a music..
Por quinto año consecutivo la Asociación para Desarrollo de las Artes y los Oficios -7 rinde homenaje a personas que han dejado unas improntas duraderas en la cultura búlgara y que se dedican a la conservación de las tradiciones nacionales. A.R.I.Z.-7,..
Lilly Bogdanova is presenting her first solo album in just a few days’ time. It is called The girl with flaxen hair , named after one of the pieces included in it. But the title also gives a personal touch – the young pianist’s hair..
Sanat ve El sanatları Geliştirme Derneği beşinci kez Bulgaristan kültüründe iz bırakan ve milli gelenekleri koruyan şahıslara gerekli saygıyı gösteriyor. Dernek, geleneksel el sanatlarını ve çağdaş sanatının yanısıra foklor geleneklerini, şarkı ve..
The Association for the Development of the Arts and Crafts 7 has awarded for the fifth consecutive year people who have left their mark on Bulgarian culture and have contributed to the preservation of the country’s national traditions. ARIZ 7..
Genç piyanist Lili Bogdanova, “Keten Saçlı Kız” adlı ilk albümünü 24 Kasım tarihinde “Bılgaria” salonunda temsil edecektir. Albüm, içindeki piyeslerden birinin ismini taşıyor. Albümdeki piyeslerin kayıtları, Viyana’daki Müzik ve Güzel Sanatlar..
Although still very young, Veselin Ninov already enjoys a remarkable career as a soloist and chamber musician in the United States. He says this was what he wanted from a very early age - to live and tour overseas. After a series of..
Artık 20 yılı aşkın bir süre boyunca koro şefi Mihail Delçev, Danimarka’da yaşıyor ve çalışıyor. Kendisi orada birkaç farklı koro ile çalışıyor. Mihail Delçev, 50 kişiden ibaret olan bir oratoryo korosu, folklor korosu ve “Collegium Vocale” koro..
Die Felskränze über dem Fluss Russenski Lom und seinen Nebenflüssen Beli, Tscherni und Mali Lom sind ein Magnet für Naturliebhaber und..
Der Schutz von Tieren und benachteiligten Kindern sowie die Förderung verschiedener kultureller Initiativen sind von grundlegender Bedeutung..
Im heutigen Programm stellen wir Ihnen ein Ausländer aus Deutschland vor, der Bulgarien als ein Paradies ansieht und mit seiner Frau in einem Dorf..