At the end of June the “presidency trio” of Estonia, Bulgaria and Austria announced 5 important priorities, part of their joint 18-month program of the Council of the EU. Since then, on various occasions and at different levels, Bulgaria..
On Sunday, October 22, Sofia's biggest car show, held in the capital annually for 25 years, ends. Some 40 world brands took part in 2017, presenting over 300 vehicles and dozens of technological innovations. For the first time visitors also had the..
This week’s second sitting of the Consultative Council on National Security on the need of legislative measures against corruption didn’t achieve the results expected. President Rumen Radev made it clear that there was no consensus on the role and..
La deuxième réunion du Conseil consultatif à la sécurité nationale, axée sur la nécessité de prendre des mesures législatives contre la corruption ne s’est pas soldée par les résultats attendus. Le président Roumen Radev a fait comprendre qu’on n’avait..
Bulgarian Municipality Day was marked in this country on 12 October, and today, 15 October, the local authorities are holding their 12 th annual meeting. Ginka Chavdarova, Executive Director of the National Association of Municipalities..
Durante la semana que termina entre los gobernantes y la oposición en Bulgaria ha vuelto a surgir tensión en relación con el tema de la presencia militar de la OTAN en el mar Negro. Alegando aseveraciones divulgadas por agencias informativas..
Tension occurred again this week between the ruling parties and the opposition in relation to the topic about military presence of NATO in the Black Sea. Citing circulated by international agencies allegations that NATO was launching new multinational..
Rus devlet nükleer şirketi Rosatom temsilcileri, 2012 yılında askıya alınan Belene Nükleer Elektrik Santrali projesi için üretilen donatımın teslimi ile ilgili görüşmelerde bulunmak üzere bugünlerde Sofya’ya geldi. Bundan önce sol milletvekilleri, Enerji..
Representantes de la corporación nuclear rusa “Rosatom” estuvieron estos días en Sofía para tratar del suministro del equipamiento fabricado en el marco del proyecto para una segunda planta nuclear búlgara, congelado en el año 2012. Las conversaciones se..
Representatives of Russia’s Rosatom atomic energy corporation were in Sofia a few days ago for talks on the delivery of equipment, manufactured for the second Bulgarian nuclear power plant at Belene, a project abandoned in 2102. The talks were..
Das Aramis-Orchester des Internationalen Kulturzentrums Mannheim in Deutschland gab ein Konzert auf dem Gipfel Todorka im Pirin-Gebirge. Speziell..
Deanna Haag wurde in Cleveland, Ohio, geboren. In der Kindheit träumte sie von Abenteuern und neuen Horizonten. Sie studierte schöne Künste am Wittenberg..
Es ist vier Jahrzehnte her, dass das Wasser der Donau gefrierte. Im Jahr 1985 war der Fluss zwei Monate lang - vom 16. Januar bis zum 16. März mit Eis..