This Friday the Bulgarian press focuses on ongoing election tensions between Bulgaria and Turkey. A major reason became yesterday's criticisms voiced by Turkish President Erdogan that on the eve of parliamentary elections Bulgaria exerted "pressure"..
Bulgaria’s printed media accentuate on Wednesday on the recent blockades of border checkpoints between Bulgaria and Turkey organized by the United Patriots coalition against the so-called “election tourism”. The Bulgarian Ministry of Interior allowed..
Quoting the Interior Ministry, the "Sega" Daily reports that during the past two years in Bulgaria, a total of 821 convicted people fled from justice. Some were later captured and jailed, but nearly half of them are still wanted. In 2015, the..
Bir Türk bakanın ülkemizdeki bir partiye destek açıklamasını Bulgaristan’ın içişlerine müdahale olarak görerek protesto eden Dışişleri Bakanlığı, olaydan bir hafta sonra Türkiye Büyükelçisi Nadejda Neynski’yi istişare amaçlı Sofya’ya çağırdı...
Bulgaria’s foreign ministry summoned this country’s ambassador to Turkey Nadezhda Neynsky back to Sofia for consultations a week after protesting against statements made by a Turkish cabinet minister in support of a certain Bulgarian political..
El Ministerio de Exteriores convocó para consultas a Sofía a la embajadora búlgara en Turquía, Badezhda Neiski, una semana después de haber protestado contra declaraciones de un ministro turco en apoyo a determinado partido búlgaro, tras considerar esas..
Caretaker PM Ognyan Gerdzhikov declared on Tuesday night the taking of additional security measures along the Bulgarian-Turkish border, as some influx of migrants is presumed over the next few days. Obviously the situation is very serious,..
Geçici hükümette Başbakan Ognyan Gercikov Salı günü göçmen akınının beklendiği tahminleri karşısında Bulgar –Türk sınırının korunması için ek önlemlerin alındığını bildirdi. Durumun çok ciddi olduğu apaçık. Başbakan konuyu İçişleri Bakanı, DANS yönetimi..
Ognyan Guerdzhíkov, primer ministro interino, anunció en la tarde del martes que se habían adoptado medidas complementarias para la custodia de la frontera búlgaro-turca, por presumible aflujo de migrantes en los próximos días. Obviamente, la situación..
Tras haber evitado durante mucho tiempo una tensión entre los dos países, Bulgaria y Turquía, por la crisis de los refugiados, en sólo una semana Sofía y Ankara se han confrontado por partida doble sobre el tema de las elecciones. Primero, el ministerio..
Am Samstag wird am Vormittag stellenweise, vor allem in der Donauebene, die Sicht eingeschränkt sein. Die Tiefsttemperaturen werden bei minus 3°C..
Fast 19 Prozent von mehr als 800 befragten bulgarischen Berufstätigen waren an ihrem Arbeitsplatz Opfer sexueller Belästigung, 90 Prozent der Opfer waren..
Am Internationalen Frauentag stellen wir Ihnen eine Bulgarin mit einer beeindruckenden Ausbildung und sozialem und politischem Engagement vor, die..