Le 19 juillet 1879 le Prince Alexandre Ier Battenberg nomme les premiers diplomates de la Bulgarie après sa libération de la domination ottomane. Il s’agit de Dragan Tsankov, Evlogui Gueorguiev et Dimitar Kirovich. 120 ans plus tard la ministre..
18 Temmuz’da Vasil Levski’nin doğumu üzerinden 180 yıl tamamlanıyor. Daha hayattayken destekçileri tarafından Özgürlük Havarisi adı verilen Levski, devrim komiteleri ağı kurarak beş yüzyıl süren esaretin ardından Bulgarlar’da özgürlük tutkusunu..
On July 18th Bulgarians mark the 180th birth anniversary of revolutionary Vasil Levski. He was called the Apostle of Bulgarian Freedom even when he was alive. He created a network of revolutionary committees across the country and managed to..
El 18 de julio conmemoramos el 180 aniversario del natalicio de Vasil Levski. El Apóstol de la libertad de Bulgaria −como dieron en llamarlo ya en vida sus correligionarios− estructuró una red de comités revolucionarios y consiguió despertar las ansias..
Par une décision du Conseil des Ministres du 13 février 2003, le 10 mars est proclamé Journée de l’Holocauste et des victimes de crimes contre l’humanité. En 1943, à cette date, le métropolite de Plovdiv, Kiril, devenu plus tard patriarche bulgare, et..
Bulgaristan Bakanlar Kurulu’nun 13 Şubat 2003 tarihli kararı ile 10 Mart günü Holokost ve insanlığa karşı suçlar günü olarak ilan edildi. Bundan sonra Bulgaristan patriği olan Plovdiv metropoliti Kiril 1943’ün 10 Mart tarihinde kentten yüzlerce..
By decree of the Council of Ministers in Bulgaria of February 13, 2003, the date March 10 was designated Day of the Holocaust and the victims of crimes against humanity. On this day in 1943, the Plovdiv Metropolitan Cyril, later Bulgarian..
Household electricity prices will not go up with the planned liberalization of the electricity market for household consumers as of 1 July this year,..
The Kukeri Festival in Shiroka Laka, traditionally held on the first Sunday of March, marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Accompanied by..
Twenty-five children and young people who survived kidnapping by the terrorists from Hamas in the tunnels under Gaza, or whose parents are still held..
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