Podcast in English

author: Gergana Mancheva

Sofia at the start of the 20th century

Beautiful Sofia in photos, old and new

"European Projects for Beautiful Bulgaria" is the motto of a photo competition organized by the regional information centre in Sofia. Residents and visitors will be able to show the beautiful and good things they see around them in a easy and..

09.04.15 12:51 |

Innovations helping development of Bulgarian economy

For the second time Bulgarian companies received awards for their successful use and commercialization of innovative products. Prizes were given by a jury of the Council on Innovation and Technology Development at the Bulgarian Chamber of..

07.04.15 12:24 |

Museum of Mining in Pernik turns coal mining into tourist attraction

The town of Pernik is also known as the Miners' Town, or the town of Black Gold, because it grew and turned into a significant industrial center in Southwestern Bulgaria due to the endeavor of the local miners. The only in Bulgaria and the..

05.04.15 11:20 |

Parents arrange photo exhibition of children with Down Syndrome

Beautiful, colourful, radiant – that is what the faces in the photo exhibition, devoted to children with Down Syndrome look like. These art photographs are up in one of the best-loved spots in Sofia – Lovers’ Bridge near the National Palace of..

03.04.15 12:34 |

Moratorium on export of wood with impact on business and ecology too

As many as18,000 ha of forests have been destroyed over the past month only in the regions of Montana, Vratsa and Vidin due to hurricane winds, ice-breaking and blizzards, the forestry services in charge report. Intense logging activities will try..

28.03.15 10:25 |

Bulgaria participates in European Year for Development Initiative

At a conference in Sofia Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov has launched a series of European initiatives, which will be held in Bulgaria by the end of 2015, declared by the EU Council and the European Parliament as year of..

28.03.15 09:05 |

Tourism contributes to economy of Sofia region

The first landmarks in Sofia that the hosts get him acquainted with are the St. George Church and the St. Sofia Basilica – the most visited sites by both foreign and Bulgarian tourists. Christian sanctuaries thrill anyone, interested in history..

25.03.15 14:42 |

La moratoria sobre las exportaciones de madera repercutirá sobre los negocios y la ecología

Los vientos huracanados, el deshielo de los ríos y las nevascas han destruido 18 mil hectáreas de bosques en las regiones de Montana, Vratsa y Vidin, informan los Servicios de Bosque locales. Para limpiar los árboles caídos, en los próximos dos años se..

25.03.15 10:26 |

Bulgaria participa en la iniciativa internacional “Año Europeo del Desarrollo”

En una conferencia en Sofía dedicada al Año Europeo del Desarrollo, el   ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Daniel Mitov, inauguró una serie de iniciativas europeas que tendrán lugar en Bulgaria a lo largo del año 2015, proclamado por el Consejo Europeo y..

24.03.15 15:12 |

Balkan Developments

Turkey expands training of fighters against "Islamic state" in Iraq Turkey, which in November started a program for military training of 1500 Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq as part of the efforts to combat jihadist group "Islamic State,"..

13.03.15 13:57 |