Podcast in English

author: Bozhidar Cholakov

En el taller del gaitero artesano de Ródope Ilía Úchikov

La gaita es un instrumento tradicional no solo de los Balcanes, sino también de otros confines de Europa. En Bulgaria se tocan dos tipos de gaita, los llamados dzhurá y kabá, y la montaña Ródope, al sur del país, es conocida por su gaita kabá , que se..

03.10.20 06:05 |

Visiting the workshop of Rhodope master bagpiper Iliya Uchikov

The bagpipe is a traditional instrument not only for the Balkans but for the rest of Europe. In Bulgaria, two types of bagpipes are played – a s mall one called " jura " and a large " kaba ". The Rhodope region is known all over the world for the..

30.09.20 16:37 |

Zvinitsa – one of Bulgaria’s stork villages

There is a village in the Eastern Rhodopes (southern Bulgaria), which locals claim is the village with the biggest number of storks in this country. Whether this is so has not been conclusively proven, but the first representatives of the..

16.03.20 13:24 |

Zvínitsa, la aldea búlgara de las cigüeñas

Hay una aldea en la porción oriental del macizo del Ródope (sur de Bulgaria), del que lagente local afirma que es el asentamiento con mayor número de cigüeñasenel país. No hay pruebas contundentes de si esto sea verdad o no, pero lo cierto es que..

13.03.20 16:13 |

Los konaks de Agush Aga, conjunto sin parangón en la península Balcánica

Los konaks de Agush conforman un excepcional conjunto de edificaciones residenciales y económicas que representan el más imponente castillo familiar de tipo medieval en el monte Ródope. Se encuentra situado en el centro de la aldea de..

29.02.20 08:35 |

Agushevi Konatsi – 19th century castle with no analogue on Balkan Peninsula

Agushevi Konatsi is an exceptional ensemble of residential and farm buildings, which together form the largest family castle of the medieval type in the Rhodopes. The residence is located in the center of the village of Mogilitsa, on the banks of..

29.02.20 08:25 |

Small towns in Bulgaria – hopes and reality after local elections

Unpaved streets, outdated water supply networks, frequent power outages, unregulated landfills, poor transport services, unemployment and depopulation - these are the major problems more and more small towns in Bulgaria face. That is why, in the..

04.11.19 15:48 |

Pueblos pequeños: esperanzas y realidad después de las elecciones

Calles estropeadas y sin pavimentar, redes de suministro de agua obsoletas, frecuentes cortes de electricidad, vertederos no regulados, mala red de transporte, paro y despoblación: estos son los principales problemas a los que se enfrentan..

04.11.19 12:21 |

The female singer with the lowest voice on the planet – a Bulgarian living in London

Bulgaria is now proud of yet another record holder in the Guinness Book. A few days ago, Mariyana Pavlova, born in the town of Smolyan in the Rhodope Mountain, officially received her certificate from the Guinness Book of World Records, which..

18.10.19 12:06 |