Podcast in English

author: Yoan Kolev

Mount Athos: there and back

Together with a couple of other pilgrims, during the holidays in May, we set out to the third „finger“ of the Chalkidiki peninsula in Greece, where in the small town of Ouranoupolis our host was waiting for us. Our ultimate..

17.05.14 09:10 |

Viajar y comer en Bulgaria

En este país se dedica cada vez más atención al turismo alternativo y a las atracciones locales. Bulgaria cuenta con potencial para impulsar el turismo de alternativa y especializado, declaraba el ministro de Economía, Energía y Turismo, Branimir Botev,..

17.05.14 09:00 |
The National Palace of Culture in Sofia

Sofia deserves to be European Capital of Culture

“The merits and advantages of our city are many. Sofia has great potential, and our task is to develop and present it”, said in an interview for Radio Bulgaria Sofia Mayor, Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova. Being one of the oldest cities in..

07.04.14 14:41 |

Sofía merece ser Capital Europea de la Cultura

“Los méritos y las ventajas de Sofía son muchos. Sofía tiene un gran potencial y nuestra tarea es desarrollarlo, descubrirlo y presentarlo,” dijo la alcaldesa de Sofía, Yordanka  Fandakova, de cara a la candidatura de la ciudad como la Capital de la Cultura..

07.04.14 14:32 |

Sofya Avrupa Kültür Başkenti olmayı hak ediyor

Sofya Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Yordanka Fandıkova, Sofya’nın 2019 Avrupa Kültür Başkenti adaylığı nedeniyle Bulgaristan Radyosuna verdiği özel demeçte “Bizim şehrimizin itibarı büyük veavantajları çoktur. Sofya büyük bir potansiyele sahip. Bizim..

07.04.14 14:03 |

Sofia a tous les atouts d’une capitale européenne de la culture

« Nombreux sont les mérites et les avantages qu’offre notre ville. Sofia a un immense potentiel. A nous de le développer et de le mettre en valeur ». Tel est l’avis de la maire de Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova qui a bien voulu accorder une interview à RBI..

07.04.14 12:48 |

The communist monuments’ new clothes

Monuments of Soviet soldiers, Bulgarian guerrillas and socialist heroes in the Bulgarian capital city of Sofia are more and more often seen transformed. The designers of the new clothes for the old communist monuments are young people engaged in..

15.03.14 08:15 |