We share a common sadness for our homeland, says Prof. Dr. Assen Asenov, who lives in Washington, DC, and who has dedicated himself to the study of Bulgarians abroad. After the democratic changes in Bulgaria, the wave of immigrants to America brought..
Pikërisht pas një muaji, më 29 tetor, bullgarët do të zgjedhin kryetarët e bashkive dhe këshilltarët bashkiakë për katër vitet e ardhshme. Janë 30 ditë në të cilat kandidatët duhet t’i paraqesin qytetarët idetë e tyre për zhvillimin e vendbanimeve,..
Exactly a month from now, on 29 October, Bulgarians will elect mayors and municipal councillors in local government for the next four years. Over the next 30 days, candidates will have the opportunity to present their ideas for the development of the..
Liberation, Unification and Independence are the three acts to which we owe Bulgaria's existence as a free, unified and independent state. From the year of the Russo-Turkish War (1877-78), which liberated our country, three decades passed until the..
Këtë vit shkollor, përveç klasave dhe korridoreve të rinovuara, shkollat i mirëpresin nxënësit me një risi që do t’ua lehtësojë përgatitjen – çantën digjitale. Kjo është një platformë online falas që u mundëson nxënësve nga klasa 1 deri në 12 të..
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn and behave. Children are often diagnozed with autism before the age of 3. Autism is diagnosed by the behavioral symptoms of the autism spectrum..
Instanțele din țara noastră au acum dreptul de a confisca mașinile șoferilor care se urcă la volan după ce au consumat alcool sau droguri. Potrivit modificărilor aduse Codului Penal, confiscarea mașinii este posibilă atunci când se conduce cu mai mult de..
La mayoría de los niños, ya desde pequeños, muestran un claro interés hacia los coches – y, una vez conocen las marcas y los modelos, juegan con sus padres a adivinar los modelos de los coches que van pasando. No es de extrañar que una de las..
Boys will be boys - especially when it comes to car enthusiasm. Once they learn the makes and models, little boys often ask their parents to guess what car they've just spotted. They may dream of one day becoming professional racers - in addition to..
În secolul al XX-lea, cercetătorul italian Dr. Vincenzo d'Amico a scris că peste 700 de așezări din Italia au fost fondate de protobulgari. Lucrările sale pe această temă se păstrează încă în Biblioteca Națională a Sfinților Chiril și Metodiu. Motivul..
Slavi Trifonov, leader of There Is Such a People (ITN) declared he would sign the declaration of We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria (PP/DB),..
The recordings from 65 cameras, which streamed the counting of the ballots on election night online, have gone missing, according to a report by the..
Leading researchers and lecturers from the St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia and the Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory..
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