Podcast in English

author: Albena Bezovska

Año Nuevo y San Basilio en la tradición búlgara

Estamos despidiendo un año más dejando de lado de los balances y comentarios que hemos hecho y haremos en los días siguientes del año que despedimos, nos centraremos hoy en la fiesta y en las tradiciones búlgaras que la acompañan. La principal de..

01.01.15 09:05 |

Etno fantasías

En el primer día de este nuevo año les ofrecemos etno fantasías musicales. Los autores de la música son representantes de diferentes generaciones. Lo que los une es la libertad con la cual escogen los medios de expresión y el acento que ponen sobre el..

01.01.15 09:00 |

Yeni Yıl ve Basileios (Aziz Büyük) Günü

Surva, Survaki veya Aziz Büyük Günü, yeni takvimde kutlanan ilk Bulgar bayramıdır. Bulgaristan`ın dört bir ucunda olduğu gibi ülke dışında yaşayan etnik Bulgarlar tarafından da kutlanıyor.Surva Yortusu, Bıdni veçer (Noel arifesi)nden sonra buhurun..

01.01.15 08:30 |

Bonne année 2015 avec les traditions bulgares du premier jour de l’An!

Et justement la nouvelle année commence par la jolie fête de Saint Vassil ou Basile. Elle est fêtée dans tous les coins de la Bulgarie et même par les Bulgares ethniques vivant à l’étranger. La veille du 1 er janvier sont encensés la miche de pain..

01.01.15 08:10 |

New Year and Vassilyovden rituals

Surva, Survaki or Vassilyovden (St. Basil’s Day) are the Bulgarian words that can be heard most often on the first day of the New Year. January 1 is celebrated across Bulgaria as well as by ethnic Bulgarians living abroad. The..

01.01.15 08:00 |
Pirin Ensemble celebrating 60th anniversary on stage

2014: Folklore bonanza

Folklore festivals, competitions, anniversaries… Not forgetting the new voices discovered during the outgoing year. Events throughout 2014 painted a colourful folklore bonanza, as if the difficult times or the bad news never got..

31.12.14 08:10 |

1965: How the Golden Orpheus festival was created

The festival called Songs about the Bulgarian Black Sea coast was held for the first time in 1965 in the seaside resort of Sunny Beach. Two years later it was renamed to become Golden Orpheus. Alongside the Bulgarian pop song..

30.12.14 10:15 |

Etnik fantazi – 2014

Ünlü saksofon ustası Dimitır Lölev, Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosu (BNR) Big Band solistlerinden biridir. Kendisi “Albümüm için, Rodop folkloruna ve jazz müziğine sevgimi ifade etmek amacıyla, “Rodopologiya“ (Rodopoloji) ismini verdim. Çeviri: Şevkiye..

30.12.14 09:30 |

Ethnofantasia 2014

The music in Ethnofantasia 2014 is by authors of different generations. The lynchpin here is the sense of freedom in their choice of forms of expression with an emphasis on Bulgarian rhythms. Famous saxophone player Dimitar Lyolev is..

28.12.14 10:05 |
Conjunto Pirin

El año folclórico 2014

Festivales folclóricos, certámenes, aniversarios, no nos olvidemos de las nuevas voces que descubrimos durante el año que expira. Los acontecimientos folclóricos en 2014 se parecen a una variopinta ronda típica búlgara, joró. Uno podría pensar que los..

27.12.14 09:05 |