Du 8 au 10 août l’équipe nationale féminine de gymnastique rythmique de Bulgarie sera en lice à Paris avec le seul objectif de gagner. Boryana Kaleyn, Stiliana Nikolova et les filles de l’ensemble Magdalina Minevska, Sofia Ivanova, Kamélia Pétrova,..
From 8 to 10 August, the Bulgarian rhythmic gymnasts will step onto the competition carpet in Paris with one goal in mind: to reach the highest step of the podium and from there to reflect on all the effort and pain, knowing instantly that it was worth..
Le maître de conférences Marco Scarpa étudie le patrimoine de Cyrille et Méthode et le rôle des scriptoriums (ateliers de confection de manuscrits) chez les Slaves du Sud et des scribes qui y ont œuvré à l’épanouissement de la culture dans les..
Assoc. Prof. Marco Scarpa studies Cyril and Methodius’ legacy and the role of the Southern Slavic scriptoriums, and the 14 th century men of letters who worked there for the flourishment of culture in the Balkans. He is also interested in the..
“Sönmekte olan bir ateş, geriye kalan birkaç kor sayesinde yeniden alevlenebilir.” Slav filolojisi profesörü Krasimir Stanchev bu sıcak sözlerle, yurtdışında Bulgar alfabesine, Bulgar diline ve Bulgar kültürüne azalan ilginin bir gün yeniden..
Products made of wool inspire the feeling of inner comfort and warmth in the visitors of the Plovdiv Regional Ethnographic Museum. The exhibition "Bulgarian felts - a message from antiquity" presents an ancient craft, which is..
Lors de la conférence internationale sur l’alphabet cyrillique qui s’est récemment tenue à Sofia et Plovdiv avec des représentants de 11 pays un fait troublant a émergé : les cours académiques de bulgare à l’étranger fondent comme neige au soleil..
"The dying fire is often rekindled thanks to a few remaining embers." With these warm words, Slavic philology professor Krassimir Stantchev inspires hope that the fading interest in the Bulgarian alphabet, the Bulgarian language and Bulgarian culture..
İki Bulgar üniversitesi, 30 yılı aşkın bir süredir teknik ve mühendislik bölümlerinde kaliteli Fransızca eğitim ve dünya çapında tanınan diplomalar sunuyor. Bu nedenle öğretmenler, mezunları arasında tek bir işsiz olmadığını gururla söylüyorlar...
Más de 30 especialistas en idioma búlgaro de 11 países se reunieron en un foro de dos días en Sofía y en Plovdiv dedicado al cirílico, para presentar sus últimos logros en los estudios de la obra de los santos hermanos Cirilo y Metodio y para recordar..