Programi i ditës

author: Veneta Nikolova

En Babyak como en Suiza: la historia de un extraordinario pueblo de los Ródopes

Sus habitantes lo describen como la "Pequeña Suiza de los Ródopes" por la asombrosa naturaleza que lo rodea y las buenas condiciones de vida. Babyak no es el típico pueblo búlgaro recóndito y desolado, sino que es un ejemplo a seguir. Es por eso que los..

22.01.24 12:30 |

Kayak sezonu umut veriyor, yeter ki kar erimesin!

Turizmciler, kayak sezonunun başarılı olacağı konusunda hemfikir. En azından şimdilik yoğun olan kar yağışı ve kayak merkezlerindeki rezervasyon durumu, iyimserliğe vesile veriyor. Turizmde Analizler ve Değerlendirme Enstitüsü tahminlerine..

22.01.24 06:00 |
Boris Slavchev

Boris Slavchev desde Roma: "Bulgaria no sabe cómo presentarse en el extranjero"

Llegó a Italia hace 6 años impulsado por su amor por el arte cinematográfico y su sueño de convertirse en un buen director. Tras graduarse en teatro y cine en la Universidad de Roma 'La Sapienza', Boris Slavchev comenzó a trabajar como fotógrafo. Hoy,..

19.01.24 09:10 |
Boris Slavchev

Boris Slavchev from Rome: We Bulgarians don't know how to promote ourselves abroad

He came to Italy 6 years ago, driven by his love of cinema and his dream of becoming a good director. After graduating in Theatre and Cinema from Rome's La Sapienza University, Boris Slavchev started working as a photographer. Today, the..

19.01.24 08:20 |

Good prospects for the Bulgarian ski season... as long as the snow holds!

The Bulgarian ski season is shaping up to be a success, workers in the industry are unanimous. The snowy winter, at least for now, gives reason for optimism, as does the number of bookings in Bulgarian resorts. In practice, the two military conflicts -..

17.01.24 13:45 |
El pueblo de Vrav

El pueblo de Vrav, a la orilla del Danubio: la difícil vida en un pueblo del noroeste búlgaro

¡Bienvenidos a Vrav! La población más septentrional de Bulgaria y el primer puerto búlgaro siguiendo la corriente del Danubio. En un pasado no muy lejano, aquí amarraban barcos mercantes griegos y de otros países para cargar grano; y barcos de vapor de..

16.01.24 10:55 |

Elzhana Popova: "Italian cinema still has a clichéd image of Eastern European women"‎

She was one of the most filmed Bulgarian actresses in the 1990s. She was part of the troupe of the National Theater in Sofia with a vivid stage presence. Elzhana Popova is a legend for an entire generation of Bulgarians. We remember her mostly as "the..

12.01.24 06:05 |

Bansko’lu kukerler “Gökyüzünden Avrupa” dizisinin yeni bölümüne konu oldu

Bugünlerde Na t ional G eographic ekibi tarafından Bulgaristan’da çekilen karelerin küçük bir bölümünü gösteren göz kamaştıran kuker fotoğrafları Internet’te büyük ilgi topluyor . İkinci haftadır Bansko’da bulunan ünlü televizyon..

11.01.24 11:25 |

Los kuker de Bansko darán a conocer Bulgaria en un nuevo episodio de "Europa desde el cielo"

Una serie de impresionantes imágenes de los kukeri , difundidas en la red, nos dejan asomarnos a los fotogramas del nuevo documental que ha rodado el equipo de National Geographic en Bulgaria. Por segunda semana consecutiva, los cámaras de este..

10.01.24 11:15 |
San Paolo alla Regola

Priest Ivan from Rome: Bulgarians abroad need to feel the church as a family

Prof. Dr. Ivan Ivanov is known as Father Ivan or Padre Giovanni among the Bulgarians in Rome. The professor divides his time between Rome and Sofia. He is a lecturer at the Theological Faculty of the Sofia University and he also leads the services in the..

09.01.24 07:45 |