Peste 25.000 de bulgari au votat în cadrul concursului Cabana de Munte a Anului, 2023, care s-a încheiat în urmă cu câteva zile. Peste 70 de cabane și refugii, situate în unele dintre cele mai frumoase zone montane din Bulgaria, au concurat pentru..
Más de 25 000 búlgaros han participado en la votación del concurso "Refugio del Año 2023", que concluyó hace unos días. Por el prestigioso galardón competían 70 refugios y alberguesubicados en algunas de las zonas más hermosas de las montañas..
More than 25,000 Bulgarians voted in the Mountain Hut of the Year, 2023 contest which closed a few days ago. More than 70 huts and shelters, located in some of the most beautiful parts of Bulgaria’s mountains, vied for the prestigious award. The..
The Vasil Levski Sunday School in Paris was founded in 2006 and is the oldest of the 5 Bulgarian schools in the French capital. The moment children first cross its threshold, they learn who the Bulgarian Apostle of Freedom is, because his portrait..
Fondée en 2006, l’École bulgare de Paris "Vassil Levski" est le plus ancien des 5 établissements bulgares situés dans la capitale française. Une fois avoir franchi le seuil de l’école, les enfants savent déjà qui était l’Apôtre de la liberté bulgare..
"Bulgarians have a strong desire for national self-determination and a strong desire to go back in time to learn about their origins and to rebuild their identity, which was apparently forcibly taken from them during the long years..
"Descubran la fortaleza "Baba Vida", el castillo medieval más grande que se conserva en Bulgaria. O visiten una casa local para descubrir cómo se elaboran el tradicional yogur búlgaro y la famosa la banitsa - un pastel que podrán preparar ustedes..
Son dönemde liman kenti Vidin’de farklı devletlerin bandırası altında yüzen ve birbirinden modern ve lüks olan gemilerin sayısı artmaktadır . Ekim ayının sonu itibari ile kruise turisti taşıyan 278 gemi Vidin’e demir attı. Liman..
Exploration of the water between Cape Kilik and Ilanjik Point, north of the mouth of the Kamchia River, has revealed some unique discoveries. Once, ancient ships were sheltered in these secluded coves from the tempestuous waters of the Black Sea. It..
“ Discover Baba Vida Fortress, the largest preserved medieval castle in Bulgaria. Alternatively, visit a local home for a demonstration of making traditional Bulgarian yogurt and banitsa pastry. " This is how one the leading..
Revista LIK e Agjencisë Telegrafike Bullgare (BTA) ia kushtoi numrin e saj të muajit shkurt Radios Kombëtare Bullgare (BNR). Ajo u prezantua sot,..
Banka Kombëtare Bullgare (BNB) ka publikuar në faqen e saj të internetit përgjigjet e pyetjeve të rëndësishme në lidhje me adoptimin e euros dhe..
Vullneti i përbashkët dhe potenciali ekonomik i të dyja vendeve janë parakushte të rëndësishme për zhvillimin lart të marrëdhënieve tona, tha..