Arm wrestling is rarely talked about in Bulgaria as a prestigious sport, but we can boast with being a world power in this sport as our athletes have become European and world arm wrestling champions more than once. Thanks to athletes such as Plamen..
La vida de los búlgaros en la República Checa es muy ajetreada. Trabajan en masa en distintas fábricas, el trabajo es por turnos, el cansancio se acumula y la gente no quiere viajar a la capital un domingo sólo para poder votar. Así explica Irena..
Election day was peaceful for Bulgarians in London, ending two hours later than at home. However, one of the largest Bulgarian communities in a European capital, the one in London, did not go to the polls today in the numbers that we remember from the..
The lives of Bulgarians in the Czech Republic are too busy. Most of them work in different factories, in shifts, and are tired and unwilling to travel to the capital on a Sunday to vote. This is how Irena Angelova from Mladá Boleslav in the Czech Republic..
People with motor and visual disabilities in Bulgaria face numerous difficulties in moving around and in their daily lives. But apart from purely physical obstacles, there are also obstacles at the level of access to information and administrative..
After the election for parliament on 27 October, the caretaker government has to submit a draft of a budget for 2025 to parliament by the end of the month. Some economic analysts say the budget of the country for 2024 is the worst in the past decade. Holes..
“Uno se da cuenta de lo que significa la patria cuando la pierde. Si estás en casa, enciendes la radio, oyes música folclórica, hablas en búlgaro, vas al teatro y allí también se habla en búlgaro. Sólo cuando pierdes todo eso te das cuenta de cuánto lo..
They call Nikopol “the town of ages” because its history goes back thousands of years. It was founded as a settlement in the year 169 during the reign of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. In 629, theByzantine Emperor renamed the town to Nicopolis, meaning..
There are rumours and speculations that some forgeries, so good that they are not inferior to the originals, could be found among the exhibits in the museums, but at the moment a whole series of forgeries can be seen at an exhibition..
El 15 de octubre es el Día Internacional del Bastón Blanco, que cada año nos llama la atención sobre los retos a los que se enfrentan las personas con discapacidad visual y sobrelo conectados que están estos con nuestra sociedad. El bastón blanco es..
Në këtë program më parë mund të dëgjoni lajmet e ditës. Në “Këngën e ditës” ju ofrojmë këngën më të fundit të këngëtares së re Paola. Ju urojmë minuta të..
Deputetët i dhanë vetes një afat prej tre ditësh për të bërë propozime me shkrim përpara leximit të dytë të ndryshimeve në Ligjin e Drejtësisë, qëllimi i të..
Projekti i fundit i regjisorit Stefan Komandarev - "Universi Bllok" - është një nga 35 të përzgjedhurit në forumin më të rëndësishëm botëror për..