On observe depuis le début de l’année une augmentation des échanges commerciaux avec une hausse de 9.4% des exportations bulgares, indiquent les chiffres préliminaires de l’Institut national de la Statistique. Toujours est-il que la croissance retombe à..
There has been a growth marked as of the start of the year of import and export, with a change of 9.4 percent of export on the previous year, according to preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute /NSI/. However, the export growth..
Three out of the seven projects in the sphere of gas deliveries on the territory of Bulgaria have been coordinated with the EC, Vice President of the Commission in charge of Energy Union Maros Sefcovic said during a conference in Sofia..
Tres del total de siete proyectos en el ámbito del tránsito del gas por el territorio de Bulgaria han sido acordados con la CE. Lo anterior ha sido comentado por el vice presidente de la Comisión, Maros Sefcovic, durante una conferencia en Sofía..
El sector económico búlgaro se comporta mejor que las economías de los otros países de la UE. Así lo comentó Steve Hanke, autor del Consejo de Control Monetario búlgaro en entrevista concedida a Radio Bulgaria. Este año también se registra una mejora..
Bulgaria's economy is performing better than in EU countries, is the opinion of the creator of the Bulgarian currency board, Professor Steve Hanke. Improvement this year is seen also in the quality of loans in the banking system. More from..
The recently adopted Law on Deposit Guarantees envisages that the Fund for Bank Deposits’ Guarantees /FBDG/ will have the right to cover the losses instead of the guaranteed depositors in case of measures implemented for banking..
The forthcoming review of the Bulgarian bank assets’ quality is estimated to take some EUR 850,000 /VAT not included/. Still, the branch sees it as prophylaxis that shall confirm the good health of the banking system. The future monitoring is..
The unresolved issues that have been accumulating for years and left unheeded by the government are the reason for this year’s extremely weak tourist season. In late August, pessimism pervades the sector as people talk about bankruptcies of..
It is something of a tradition for fuel prices to be in the limelight of attention every summer; this summer is no exception after the drop in prices on the international markets in July made no mark on the retail market. The long-awaited downward..
Më 16 shkurt, një nga kantautorët më të dashur bashkëkohor – Stefan Diomov – mbush 80 vjeç. Shpirti i tij djaloshar u ka dhënë jetë dhjetëra hiteve të..
Më 16 shkurt Radio Bullgaria feston 89 vjetorin e saj. Gjatë gjithë këtyre viteve, media jonë shumëgjuhëshe ka qenë jo vetëm një kanal informacioni, por ka..
Më 17 shkurt 2025 mbushen 17 vjet nga shpallja e pavarësisë së Kosovës. Në këtë ditë në vitin 2008 Kosova u bë shteti më i ri në botë pas shpalljes së..