Programi i ditës

author: Veneta Nikolova

When the palate travels back in time – gastro tours are growing more and more popular with the young

They say that if you want to get to know a place you have to see it with your eyes but also taste it with your palate. Every village in Bulgaria, every town has its own flavour and aroma. One of the ways to get to know them are the gastro routes which..

16.08.24 10:10 |

The free tours of Open Vratsa reveal the beauties of Vratsa and the Vratsa Balkan

From this summer, visitors to Vratsa can explore the mountain town through completely free guided tours modelled on similar tours offered in major European cities. The idea is to help a first-time visitor to the northwestern town acquire a general idea of..

12.08.24 04:05 |

Las visitas guiadas gratuitas de Open Vratsa muestran la belleza de Vratsa y de los Montes Balcanes

A partir de este verano, los visitantes de Vratsa podrán explorar esta ciudad montañesa del noroeste de Bulgaria, a través de visitas guiadas totalmente gratuitas que siguen el modelo de las visitas guiadas similares que se ofrecen en las grandes..

09.08.24 16:09 |

Jaap van Belen et sa collection extraordinaire de tapis bulgares

Cela fait longtemps qu’il ne se sent plus étranger en Bulgarie. Ici, c’est sa maison. Il parle bulgare et suit lа situation politique dans le pays. Sa plus grande passion sont les anciens tapis bulgares. Le Néerlandais Jaap van Belen qui habite en..

06.08.24 13:00 |

Hotel or holiday property - which is cheaper and more convenient?

The supply of holiday properties in Bulgaria has increased by 30-40% in the past three years. Currently, their number exceeds 20,000. More and more customers prefer to rent an apartment or even an entire house for their vacation in Bulgaria through the..

06.08.24 12:11 |

Jacob van Beelen y su colección única de antiguas alfombras búlgaras

Él dice que hace ya mucho que no se siente extranjero en Bulgaria. Este es su hogar, ha aprendido el búlgaro y, al igual que la mayoría de los búlgaros, se preocupa por la situación política en el país. Eso sí, su gran pasión - aquello que llena sus días..

03.08.24 09:30 |
Darren Carter

Eski bir İngiliz deniz subayı Bulgaristan'ı kafiyeli bir şekilde övüyor

Hayatının 23 yılını Kraliyet Donanması'na adayan İngiliz Darren Carter, 2013 yılında emekli olmaya karar verdi. Kader onu Bulgaristan'a getirene kadar yıllarca işten işe, ülkeden ülkeye geçtiği, “hayatın dalgalı sularında” amaçsız sürüklendiğini itiraf..

02.08.24 06:10 |
Darren Carter

Un británico ex militar que alaba a Bulgaria en rimas

En 2013, tras dedicar 23 años de su vida a la Marina Real, el británico Darren Carter decidió jubilarse. Darren reconoce que durante años había estado navegando sin rumbo por las “agitadas aguas de la vida” - de trabajo en trabajo, de país en país. Hasta..

31.07.24 18:45 |

A former British navy officer sings Bulgaria in rhyme

After dedicating 23 years of his life to the Royal Navy, British man Darren Carter decided to retire in 2013. He admits that for years he had been drifting aimlessly through the "rough waters of life", moving from job to job, country to country - until..

31.07.24 14:26 |

Tuna köylerindeki otantik ortam doğa severlere eşsiz dinlence imkanları sunuyor

Çoğu turistlerin gözlerinden kaçan Tuna köyleri, kalabalıktan uzak kalarak kendini otantik yaşantılara bırakmak isteyen doğaseverleri mıknatıs gibi çekiyo r. Bu maceraseverlerin tercih ettikleri Srebarna, Gigen, Vetren ve Novo Selo gibi..

30.07.24 09:46 |