Bulgaria’s 17-year-old tennis player Simeon Terziev has been aiming for success in world tennis and has been working hard to reach it. At his first participation at ITF men's tournament this month he won the silver, while in July he grabbed the..
On September 22, 1908, Prince Ferdinand declared Bulgaria’s independence from the Ottoman Empire in the town of Veliko Tarnovo. This happened 30 years after the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Many prominent Bulgarians who were dedicated to the..
A newly-created platform will be providing useful tips to those who want to start freelancing career and learn how best to position themselves in the ocean of freelancers around the world. Among the goals of the project's creators are teaching..
Una plataforma recién creada enseñará a aquellos que lo deseen cómo hacerse autónomos y trabajar por cuenta propia, además de cómo posicionarse mejor en el océano de freelancers de todo el mundo. Uno de los objetivos de los autores del proyecto es..
Diferentes estudios muestran que ahorrar es una de las características distintivas de los búlgaros. El más reciente de estos estudios analiza las razones por las que los búlgaros suelen ahorrar dinero para los días de lluvia. La principal..
Faire des économies est assez typique des Bulgares. C’est ce que montrent différents sondages dont le plus récent se focalise sur les raisons pour lesquelles nos compatriotes ont l’habitude de mettre de l’argent de côté pour des temps difficiles...
Thriftiness if a distinguishing feature of the Bulgarians, various researches, including the latest survey which studies the reasons why Bulgarians save for rainy days show. Financial expert Desislava Nikolova who is part of My Money financial..
Casi un centenar de personas jóvenes y emprendedoras de Bulgaria y del extranjero, ansiosas de traer el cambio, participaron en la quinta edición de la Academia “Innovación en acción”. Algunas de las esferas en las que desarrollan sus ideas son: el..
Nearly 100 young and energetic people from Bulgaria and abroad took part at the fifth edition of Academy “Innovation in Action”. They develop their ideas in various spheres: effective use of resources, innovative education, healthy lifestyle,..
En el festival del arte corporal, Body Art, que se celebrará este fin de semana en la sala” Universiada” de Sofía,se habilitará un Museo de los Tatuajes. Brindará informará sobre la significación de los tatuajes en las culturas antiguas y rastreará la..
Është e Diela e të Lidhurit të Djathit . Sipas traditës ortodokse, dita kremtohet çdo vit në prag të Kreshmës së Madhe, kur të krishterët falin..
Sipas besimeve popullore, ngjyra e kuqe zotëron fuqinë e diellit dhe i jep vitalitet çdo qenieje të gjallë, ndërsa e bardha simbolizon pastërtinë,..
Në një ceremoni në prani të presidentit Rumen Radev, flamuri bullgar u ngrit në një shtyllë prej 21 metrash në zonën e Zvezdata pranë qytetit Etropole..