Programi i ditës

author: Sibilla Lilova

La pianiste Fany Koutsarova: "C’est la musique qui a fait de moi ce que je suis"

Fany Koutsarova est une pianiste, pédagogue et soliste très bien connue dans les milieux musicaux. Si elle a reçu son éducation pédagogique des meilleurs professeurs bulgares à Sofia, elle est aussi le continuateur d’une longue tradition..

15.11.14 09:00 |

The Brick Roads International Music Festival

On October 10 and 11, the Bulgarian Army Theatre in Sofia is turning into a musical stage. The reason – shepherd’s pipe player Theodosii Spassov who is bringing together performers from all Balkan countries, playing a wide range of music – from..

10.10.14 10:14 |

Freedom in the soul and in music: 25 years Poduene Blues Band

Vasko Krupkata-the Patch and his Poduene Blues Band have become the symbol of the free spirit and of the political changes in this country since 1989. He was the first to have sung songs about the end of the communist era like..

07.10.14 11:03 |

“Liria është në shpirt dhe në muzikë” – 25 vjet “Poduene Blus Bend”

Vasko Krëpkata me grupin e tij “Poduene Blus Bend” u shndërrua në një emblemë të shpirtit të lirë dhe të ndryshimeve politike në Bullgari në vitin 1989. Ai ishte i pari, i cili përshkroi fundin e një epoke në këngët e tij si “Komunizmi po ik”, “Le të..

06.10.14 12:26 |
The dancers of the Academy

The Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv marks 50th jubilee

Bulgaria’s second biggest city Plovdiv has many reasons to feel a sense of pride this year. After being elected Bulgaria’s European capital of culture, 2019 at the end of September, it is now marking another important event – the 50 th..

23.09.14 11:10 |

“Xhaz në det” – “Lozenets Jazz Time”

Më 1 dhe 2 gusht në pushimoren Lozenec vitin e tretë me radhë zhvillohet Festivali “Lozenets Jazz Time”. Ideja është t’u jepet rrugë plotësisht muzikës prej autori, interpretuar nga muzikantë bullgarë. Ndryshe nga dy festivalet e mëparëshme, tani..

01.08.14 14:47 |

Rising star: pop singer Zhana Bergendorf

Many young and talented singers have emerged in Bulgaria in recent years thanks to different TV reality shows. One of them is Zhana Bergendorf – winner of X Factor 2013, but the road leading to this success has been a long one. In her..

14.07.14 11:23 |
Kamelia Todorova is to sing, Sunday, with the BNR Big Band

Jazz and vintage cars festival opens in Bourgas

Vintage cars and jazz – this is what music lovers in Bourgas and tourists will be looking forward to over the weekend. Thanks to Bourgas Municipality and the America for Bulgaria Foundation, from Friday, 11 July until Sunday, 13, July, different..

11.07.14 11:35 |

Choir music with the scent of Bulgarian roses throws a bridge between two continents

The concerts organized by the music company this season continue in June in different towns across Bulgaria – Plovdiv, Varna on June 4 as well as in Istanbul, Turkey on June 7. They will all be with the participation of the choirs from Arizona,..

03.06.14 12:37 |

Children’s events at 19th Art Salon

A significant part of the 19 th Art Salon programme is dedicated to Children’s day, June 1 and features a variety of events connected with it. The premiere of the children’s ballet show based on Charles Perrault’s Puss in Boots will..

31.05.14 14:10 |