Temat lidhur me burimet e rinovueshme dhe fatkeqësitë natyrore mblodhën së bashku nxënës nga shkolla bullgare e së dielës "Asen dhe Ilija Pejkovi" në Romë, Gjimnazi i Parë i Gjuhës Angleze në Sofje dhe shkolla e mesme Greve pranë Kopenhagës. Projekti..
Pocas horas antes de jurar por segunda vez como presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump impactó la comunidad internacional con la noticia de que lanzaba su propia criptomoneda, bautizada como $TRUMP. Esto ha provocado muchas preguntas sobre el motivo..
Los temas relacionados con los recursos renovables y las catástrofes naturales han reunido a los alumnos de la Escuela Dominical Búlgara "Asen e Iliya Peykovi" de Roma, del Bachillerato Bilingüe Inglés de Sofía y el instituto Greve, cerca de Copenhague...
Topics related to renewable resources and natural disasters united students from the Bulgarian Sunday School "Assen and Iliya Peykovi" in Rome, the First English Language School in Sofia and the Greve High School near Copenhagen. The project aims to..
A few hours before being sworn in for the second time as President of the United States, Donald Trump shocked the international community with the news that he was launching his own cryptocurrency, called $TRUMP. A precedent that provoked many questions..
Atanasovden, also known as Midwinter in our folk calendar, is a holiday on which the Orthodox Church and our folklore pay tribute to St. Athanasius the Great – Archbishop of Alexandria and a fighter against Arianism (church heresy which rejects the..
The connection between Bulgaria, "Dali's Moustache" and Picasso is a topic that could remain widely discussed in the next few years, and perhaps even decades. The reason for this is not related to new technologies and artificial intelligence, nor to..
On December 14 and 15, just days before the Christmas holidays, Plovdiv will once again host EXOTIC EXPO – the Bulgarian professional exhibition for exotic animals. The event is being organized for the third consecutive year and is the largest of..
On November 10, 1989, at a plenum of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Todor Zhivkov was removed from the position of General Secretary - the highest position in the party and the state. What happened at the..
The national awakeners of Bulgaria are the individuals for whom we feel not only gratitude and admiration, but also perceive as some of the most significant figures in our history, because they awaken our sense of national togetherness. However, what is..
Ndër vendet anëtare të Bashkimit Evropian, Bullgaria ka pagën minimale më të ulët në janar - 551 euro. Sipas të dhënave të Eurostat-it, më e larta është në..
Ndërsa dimri e ngrin natyrën jashtë, të fshehura në strehëzat e tyre, të mbrojtura nga i ftohti dhe kërcënimet jashtë, breshkat flenë gjumin e tyre..
Ata kanë mbi tre mijë shfaqje muzikore. Këngët e tyre "Rruga e gjatë për në shtëpi" dhe "Luledielli" janë përfshirë në disa tekste shkollore të muzikës..