Europe cannot accept all the refugees who are rushing to it and it must stop the policy of saying “Welcome” in order to cope with the external pressures. For this purpose, specific measures are needed for the exchange of experience and..
Europa no puede acoger a todos los refugiados que se han encaminado hacia el continente y debe cancelar la política de dar bienvenida y hacer invitaciones para poder hacer frente a la presión externa. Con este fin, hacen falta medidas concretas para..
Últimamente en los medios de comunicación con frecuencia se habla del autismo. Se afirma que los pequeños autistas son geniales en algunos ámbitos pero en Bulgaria con frecuencia a los niños con tales problemas ni se les diagnostica correctamente. No..
Autism is a common recent topic across media. They say children with autism are geniuses in some fields, but in Bulgaria even the diagnosis is often not that correct. There is no exact statistics on the number of children with that condition..
It is important to speak about crimes against wild nature, because this issue is very topical in Bulgarian society. Due to the active support of the Bulgarian media, the court passed quick sentences on the local poachers, said Dimitar Gradinarov..
Hace ya casi cuatro años que en Bulgaria está vigente la prohibición de fumar en locales, bares, lugares de trabajo y oficinas. Tampoco está permitido fumar en estadios, canchas deportivas, así como en cines y teatros de verano. Dicha prohibición es..
A smoking ban has been in place in Bulgaria for cafes and restaurants, night clubs and office space for over four years. Smoking is prohibited at stadiums, playgrounds, open air cinemas and theatres, school yards, as well as during events..
A great many children and adults, who have embraced the American tradition, are getting their pumpkins and costumes ready for Halloween. For them, the day of “contact with the world beyond” is just a way to have a bit of fun, to let their..
Chemistry is not among the favorite subjects for most Bulgarian pupils. However, it becomes a hobby for children and adults when they join chemistry demonstrations. Quite often, students and scientists hold chemistry lessons and make safe..
The public lecture on Current Migration Trends organized by the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria was held amid great interest in Bulgaria's capital Sofia on October 20. It was attended by representatives of diplomatic missions in Sofia from Turkey,..
Të dashur miq, jemi të lumtur të njoftojmë se kartolinat QSL të Radios Kombëtare Bullgare për vitin 2025 janë tashmë të disponueshme. Dy seritë - njëra me 6..
Kreu i shtetit Rumen Radev ia dorëzoi Shenjën e Nderit Radios Kombëtare Bullgare (BNR). Distinktivin e nderit e mori drejtori i përgjithshëm i BNR-së, Milen..
Sportistja më e mirë bullgare në skermë, Joana Ilieva, fitoi një medalje të artë në Kupën e Botës për Skermë për femra në Plovdiv. Në finale në sallën..