For the first time a book by Irish writer Frank O’ Connor (1903-1966), best known for his short stories and memoirs, has been published in Bulgarian. The trranslation of the collection "My Oedipus Complex and..
The Sofia Municipality and Toplofikaciya Sofia (the district heating company) have been considering the launching of a waste incineration project since 2008. Since then, however, the municipal authorities have not taken into account neither the..
El Ayuntamiento de Sofía y la Compañía de Calefacción de Distrito de Sofía llevan desde 2008 considerando la incineración de residuos en Sofía. Sin embargo, desde entonces el Ayuntamiento carece de avances positivos en la legislación de gestión de..
„The Long Way to the Stars” is an interactive multimedia augment performance-lecture, introducing audience to the latest scientific theories about the origins of the Solar System and life in the Universe, its authors say. In a funny and..
Éilís Ní Dhuibhne’s first book translated in Bulgarian “Literary Lunch and Other Stories" is a collection of twelve short stories, selected especially for the Bulgarian readers by the Irish writer and the book’s translator Dimitar..
“The Future of Public Media Service in the Digital Era” International Conference organized by the Bulgarian National Radio and the Bulgarian National Television at the end of January discussed digital transformation, legal frameworks and public..
At the beginning of the month an exhibition presenting 63 large-size prints by 38 artists was opened in Sofia by H.E. Michael Forbes, Ambassador of Ireland to Bulgaria. Irish artists Pamela de Bri, Katherine Smits and Melissa Cherry were also..
From 25 to 28 June, EU Digital and Innovation Week, the digital and tech flagship event of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of EU under the theme "re:Inventing Europe's Future", presents three high-profile events in the city of Sofia...
Bulgaria 's eleventh participation in The Eco-marathon Europe is supported by the National Commission of UNESCO for the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as local authorities from participating cities. The Eco-marathon Europe 2018 will take..
Under-financing, digital development, engaging the young audience – these are the challenges all public service media in Southeastern Europe face. This was made clear at a forum, organized by the Bulgarian National Radio. For Radio Bulgaria, the..
Një nga kompanitë më të mëdha të riparimit të avionëve në aviacionin civil ka zgjedhur Burgasin për një investim në shkallë të gjerë në riparimin dhe..
Paga mesatare më e lartë në Bullgari është në qytetin e Sofjes - 3388 leva /1732 euro/, dhe më e ulëta është në Smoljan - 1617 leva /826 euro/. Kështu..
Pak ditë më parë, zogu i parë i pelikanit dalmat (Pelecanus crispus) i këtij sezoni u çel në zonën e mbrojtur Kalimok - Brëshlen pranë qytetit të Danubit,..